Influenza and RSV Seasonality Analysis

How have the Seasonality of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Influenza Changed since the emergence of SARS-COV-2?

By analysing data from geographic regions across both hemispheres, we seek to address the following key questions:

  1. How have seasonal patterns of influenza and RSV changed post-COVID-19

  2. Are there regional differences in these changes based on climate or latitude?

  3. What implications do these findings have for public health planning and resource allocation?

Summary Plot of The Dataset

Cumulative Reported Influenza Cases By Continent

Cumulative Reported RSV Cases By Continent

Dataset Download

Seasonality Split by COVID-19 Emergence

Density Plot of Case Distributions

Correlation Between Different Years At Different Weeks

Seasonality Compared and Stratified By Age

Number of Weeks Difference Between the Peak of the Influenza Season Before COVID 19 and After

Number of Weeks Difference Between the Peak of the RSV Season Before COVID 19 and After